Jan 21- Celebrate health

A few years ago I had a serious health problem from which I managed to recover. It is difficult to describe the amount of gratefulness that I felt afterwards every time I was walking on the street and I felt normal again.

Of course, this gratefulness still exists now; however as time passed it got more difficult to feel it spontaneously as there seem to be so many “important” things like work and daily chores..

Wishing health for Christmas and on someone’s birthday is the most trivial thing. But we all have a tendency to be forgetful and think about certain things only if and when they actually happen. Health is one of these things. The interesting part is that it is also the most valuable thing.

Today I am going to remember that I am here, I am alive and have the great privilege of being able to see, walk and do freely everything do that I want to do. And that`s a super big deal. Can you feel it too? J

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Jan 18- Remember the good times

During my yoga class today the teacher spoke of the Flower of Life -the creation pattern that holds mystical symbols through which one can discover the most important and sacred pattern in the universe.

The Flower of Life can mostly be seen in a hexagonal pattern (where the center of each circle is on the circumference of six surrounding circles of the same diameter), made up of 19 complete circles and 36 partial circular arcs, enclosed by a large circle. It is considered by some to be a symbol of sacred geometry, said to contain ancient, religious value depicting the fundamental forms of space and time. Drawings of it the can be found in Phoenician, Assyrian, Indian, Asian, Middle Eastern, and medieval art and there are many analyses of its symbolism.

Hearing the story of the Flower of Life reminded me of my beautiful summer holiday in Ibiza In Ibiza I was staying in the House Life- Blossoms owned by the charismatic Elke and Michael, former models who lived all over the world and at one point embarked on a spiritual journey that brought them to Ibiza. Their house had a wonderful artistic vibe that was greatly enhanced by Michael`s creations-paintings of the Flower of Life that were displayed in every room in the house. I hadn`t heard of them before, so he was telling me about their symbolism and importance. Today was the second time I heard about it.

The talk about the flower of life brought me back to Ibiza and its incredible nature; the beautiful spiritual place where I stayed and the great people whom I met there. It made me think how experiences enrich us in an unforgettable way long after they are over. Experiences get imprinted in ourselves and we can access them any time by remembering. So they can brighten up the rainy days. And remind us that there will be many more to come. J

More about the Flower of Life: http://blog.world-mysteries.com/science/the-flower-of-life/

And about the House Life-Blossoms: https://www.facebook.com/houselifeblossoms/?hc_ref=SEARCH

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Jan 10- Let go of what you can`t control


When starting the series I was energized to build momentum and also to discipline myself to post every day. My frustration with the server crash that has made the webpage inaccessible for the last few days was beyond words! “Nothing like this has happened since I started the blog (which was two years ago)! Why now!?”

Well. It happens. And experiencing it made me realize the following- it just doesn’t make any sense to brag about it and to let it stop me from following my plan. What makes sense is to think of solutions. And here it is – sharing my posts in Facebook works perfectly fine for the time being.

There are things to worry about and things to let go. The ones which we can`t control belong to the second category. It`s like a mental garbage bin where you through your paper trash. Practice cleaning the trash from your mind 😉

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Jan 9- Stay connected


Today a very dear friend of mine reminded me of an important truth- that distance doesn’t matter when the roots of the relationship are strong enough. Sometimes keeping the roots strong happens more naturally than other times. It is up to us to stay connected to our dear ones so our friendships grow strong and sustain the challenges of distance and time zones!


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