Focusing on yourself is an art and a form of a self-care. One of the practical ways to do this is to explore the power of silence.
The conventional ways to perceive silence is as absence of external noise. But in its essence, it is much more than this- it transcends beyond the external to reach our core and to manifest itself into silence of the mind and a feeling of piece.
Spending time in silence is therefore not so much about staying in a noise-free place, but about keeping your mind silent.
Silence allows you to connect to yourself and to hear yourself. Silence also helps you to unleash your creativity and to generate new ideas.
It gives you the space to observe your thoughts, to take distance from them and to change the ones that are taking energy away from you, such as worry, fear and anger.
Spending time in silence is one of the most challenging endeavors- there never seems to be time, it makes us sleepy, and it is something that we need to do alone. Indeed, nobody can do it for us.
The power of practice is in your hands and it is also one of the best investments that we can make. Give it a try!
More about my experience with a ten-day silent meditation called Vipassana – here.